Monday, February 20, 2006

Norkhairillina, the emoticon that represents you best is the Smiling Face

What's up, smiley? Somehow you just always seem to find a way to turn that frown upside down. Your upbeat attitude and friendly demeanor brighten up any room, including your favorite chat room.Like your classic emoticon counterpart, you're a staple on anyone's list. Boring days and sleepless nights are far more bearable when you're online to chat. Whether you're shooting the breeze, catching up, or giving out advice, you can cheer up anyone on the other side of the conversation. So keep lightening the mood, making new friends, and bringing smiles to other folks' faces. After all, it's just so natural for you!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Norkhairillina, your crush is the Skate Punk

So maybe he's no Tony Hawk. It's more about a rebellious attitude than actual skateboarding ability. What's most important for your fall crush is that he's a cool character with an alluring edge about him.An original and hip gal like you should be with someone who's equally interesting and enticing. Someone who welcomes challenges and isn't afraid to try something new. Whether you're checking out an art gallery, going to a movie, or just hanging out, you'll be dancing to your own beat — together. It takes two to tango, you know. Better find your partner!
Norkhairillina, you're a Sergeant!

You're a Sergeant, and crisis is your middle name. You don't shy away from stress — in fact, you thrive on it! In a tough situation, your attitude says "we can do it!" as you roll up your sleeves and get to work. No whining or foot-dragging from you — it's action, action, and more action.The problem with automatically taking control is that some situations may turn out better if they're left to work themselves out. A light touch is sometimes best. You can't always force stress to bend to your will (a fact that can be another source of stress for you!). And being the kind of person who eats stress for breakfast may mean you go hungry when life is flowing smoothly. So try allowing yourself to loosen up a bit, and enjoy the ride
Norkhairillina, you've been crowned Miss Charisma

You've got a winning smile and magnetic personality that people are just drawn to. You're probably known for setting trends and tend to be the one that friends call to find out what the plans are for the night.The judges couldn't help but notice your natural poise and polish — you definitely know how to attract attention whether you're making a speech or just taking the stage in the ultimate outfit. It's wonderful that you exude so much charm and confidence — that's sure to take you far. You're a bright star, Miss Charisma. Keep on shining.
Norkhairillina, your movie star double is
Cate Blanchett!

Cate BlanchettAn intellectual like you needs to be played by someone who understands how to be deep without being boring, someone who can grasp complicated subjects and make them seem clear cut, someone like Cate Blanchett. Whether bringing to life Elizabethan stories or playing an undercover WWII courier in Charlotte Gray, Cate has shown the world that being smart can be sexy.

Were you sometimes the kid in class who realized when the teacher made a mistake — even if you didn't always point it out? Now that you're grown up, it wouldn't surprise us if you still liked the challenge of banter or enjoyed staying up late talking about the latest in political, social, or celebrity circles. Your glamour comes from your head first and radiates out through your looks. Cate's a natural to star as you because she, like you, has a good head on her shoulders. And she isn't afraid to use it.
Norkhairillina, your savings style could use a Makeover

Just remember, there's no time like the present. Maybe you haven't had the time to look into it, maybe you haven't been interested before. But we promise, understanding your finances and savings plans will help you look and feel better — and it doesn't even take that much to do it. The way you spend, the amount you spend, and the types of accounts you hold — they all contribute to your savings style. While purchases and nice dinners out come and go, your savings style is something you can carry through life with you. So now's the time to make smarter decisions about what to do with your money.

With a little organization and planning, you can start making your money work for you and your future. Next time you're tempted to dole out a large amount of dough on something you don't really need, think about the long-term benefits of being financially fit. And the joy you'll get from feeling financially confident — both day to day, and for your future.