Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ooo.... I have been sleeping all day today not even today only for the past few days also the same.. Fuyoo... Nothing get in my head. Even Nirma wakes me up, I fall asleep back.. Too damn sleepy. Not only that, the way the class advisor teach was too much talking... Most of my classmate caught me sleeping but I don't know about my class advisor.. Haha!!

Haiyah!! I wish tomorrow will be my wakie up day!! Must concentrate on my Bio already. Test is comiong.. YEsterday was my Nursing Studies test regrading about the transfering. Well, my class advisior says that our class pass no one failed. GOOD!!! But I was damn angry to the invegilator ... There is this part she question me... Give me 3 Cs... So, my answer was corbell, comfort and cotside.. She replied no, that not the answer I want. So, I asked her to repeat it again. TWICE! at last I get it... The answer was Comfort, Safety and Belt.

In my heart I was cursing the advisor... I came out and fell very angry I feel like I want to shout... Arrrggghh!! Luckily I control, but still cursing around with my fwen... hahahaha....

K la, till here... Need to wake up and meet Nirma and Tan Chin at 7.0am Jurong East MRT... So, see ya...

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