Monday, August 28, 2006

Red Cross Camp.. 2D1N

Today is our orientation day at Ward 55... Mdm Tang's husband Brother Jeffrey was there... Fuyooo... Can you imagine husband and wife work together... Gerek!!! Niwae, Talking about the wards... Let go 2 day back...

It was my 2 days and 1 night camp at MOE Changi Coast Adventure Club...

The first day was gerek... We instruct the little one how to play soccer,... Not the normal soccer... This soccer is with the string... Hahahaha... Poor Hassan needs to shout... Hahaha.. Too bad, Haslene went back after the game finished.. Y?? She was damn angry with the President adn the person who incharge of the game... It was damn unorganised...

After the game finished... We went for kayak... Again... Poor Hassan... UNable to try... The kayak he is going to take is pancit ... Haiayah... Not only that, my slipper was damaged... Luckily got Hassan slipper... I borrow and went for a bath...

We have some cheering competition, HEad banging by Shallow BEast group.. and lastly movie at 1.00 am... I tot is a scary movie... NAH!! it a killing people... STUPID!! I tell Ms Chow, I going off to sleep... O ya, Ms Chow tells me about my class.. Two of them are out of the course... Who?? Desiree and Murni... I was shocked about Murni... Haiyah... Another friend lost...

At night, we sleep at the sea sight... Damn cooling.,.. I didn't sleep next to Hassan.. I sleep next to some United Kingdom kids... Hahaha... They were so noisy and chit chat alot.. Not only that, some of them do something stupid... Haiayh... I guess it was 2.00 am... My handphone is flat and damn, it can't even switch on... F#*K

Next morning, wake up by the first plane... then fall asleep again... I wake up and looked arund, The kids are still sleeping... I ignore them and when to my bunk... Ms Chow from far shout... LINA!! WHERE DID YOU GO LAST NITE?? I LOOK FOR YOU UNTIL I GET THE WRONG PERSON... SUSAH LA U... I smile... Red Cross member also asked me the same thing... Haiayh.... I went for my bath..

Bla-bla-bla... Morning breakfast... Sit beside Hassan at the stair look at the sky whenever the plane isfly above us... And play a guessing game... Wow... Hassan know more plane logo... ME?? only SIA, Thailand and ???? Hahahahah Bla-bla-bla..

Hmmm... ITE College East wins a lot of trophy... YIPEE!!!

On the way home, Hassan and me was bloody tired... Trying to find a sit at MRT... Haiayh.. My MP3 adn hanphone is damn flat... From now on, whenver you have a camp!!! Pls bring your charger!!! Then, we chit-chat all the way...

K la, I damn tired... gtg... Adios...

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