Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blood Shit....

Tears out of my eyes.... I really can't believe that this person who I used to joke, laugh and talk with, had BACKSTAB me!!! That person is not a girll... It a guy! DAMN!!!

Well, it happen in the late afternoon... My close friend Nirma was telling me what she feel this few days and etc.. I was shocked that what she tells me... Especially, I can't believe that he tell Nirma not to be closed with me because I'm a bad influence, hypocrite, break up their relationship and the others (my 3 others friend) are immature.... WTF!!!

Since when I'm such like that... If I'm bad influence, I will just asked Nirma to smoke and drink with me... Hypocrite??? You think I have nothing to do eh... STUPID! and the worst was BREAK UP!!! If I asked the two of them to break up, I do it long time ago... This is the STUPIDDESS thinker that he think!.... How could I do to my friend like that??

Zeenat was shocked at first of what Nirma says "Zeenat go after him". That is where he came out and see us... Nirma confront him about happen.. BLa-bla-bla... Then I confront him why he says like that to Nirma??? All he answer was asked Nirma... WTF!!! He's the one who did that, why must Nirma answer his question??? SSSSSTTTTTUUUUPPPIIIDDDD!!!!!

Niwae, this is my first time I get to know a guy who is hypocrite and backstabber... Damn!!! Totally shit! After the class end, Zeenat and me talk.. She kinda off shocked that y he half way walk off??? Haizz..... K la... Gtg... Adios!!

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