Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Early morning, I woke up late. I feel tired and sleepy. Why?? I talked on the phone with him till 1.45am. Whenever I told him that I want to sleep, he said we sleep another 5 more minutes. To me, his 5-minute is equal to half an hour. And it TRUE! I’m not joking. Humph! What a pathetic. I feel like smacking his face. I reached work 10 minutes late. SIANZ!

During working hours, as per normal bring down patient for exercise. Let them exercise till they sweat and shit on their pants. Eeeeeww…. Yuck! Hahahha… It true sometime. For those who didn’t want to exercise, we forced them. Actually CANNOT be force! That bad… Anyway, today doing some exercise for my patient not that good because of my tired and sleepy. I feel really lazy like I want to sleep.

Next, Therapy Assistant gets a bad news. What is it??? It totally sickening! We need to prepare all set of assessment papers whenever it is finished inside the PT file. And we need to file it! Woah… Like a slave siak… Therapy assistant is already in-charge of photocopying paper, counting of statistic, barthel index, and bringing charge file and doing patient. HEADACHE! What Phiotherapy does?? They just sit there relax and do a bit of work. What a lazy bump! I feel like want to kick their ass so that they can’t sit and shake their legs. Especially like the pathetic PT. Why can’t they be like Sarah, Wan Han, Patrick and Limin? Why??? I know everyone has a different thought. But, come on... You already know that you T.A have a lot of work to do. Haiyoh, I really don’t know what to said. I just keep quiet and let the time come. Then I talk straightforward to them.

After working hour, my boyfriend called. He keeps repeating about the camp again. Another sickening comes… Hahahahaha…. As for my boyfriend, he always gets scolded from me. Pity him!!! Nah… No time to pity people. If we pity them, they will make us guiltier. Be a tough and strong. ß Not always la.. Sometime we need to share shoulder for them to cry too..
Night… It is 10.08 pm, I haven’t sleep. I need to wake for that boyfriend of mine to call. Boring!! If I sleep first, he surely will keep nagging and make my ear drum in the hell of pain. So, let see…. What time I will be sleeping! So long, see ya tomorrow. Tata!

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