Friday, October 08, 2004

I called my boyfriend’s mother to ask her whether my boyfriend calls her in the nicer way. But from what I get is a piece of shit. I get scolded from her regarding about her son. She said: “Are you happy now? Because of you, he went to Detention Barrack. I want you to break up your relationship with him. You really make our family miserable. I don’t want to see you anymore.” That time, my heart is totally hurts and broke into piece. But it doesn’t end like that. I tell her off and say: “ You don’t what going on. I suffer more than you do. Most of the time, he always complaint about you for not caring and show him love. What you think about is money-money-money and your work. Have you question him, how are you and etc???” She keeps very silent. She told me that she want to go off to work. On the way to work, I’m so sad and cry the way she said to me like that. I really don’t know what my boyfriend tell the story to his mother.

At work, I keep tripping, not in the mood and forgetful…Today, my mind always thinking about the way his mother ask to break off the relationship. Hallooooo… Did she know we already been together for 1 year plus… and she just asked me to break up like that. Okie-okie… Back to my work, Sarah, Karen, Chitra, Sharon Sim, Sharon Foo and Zarina telling me why am I sad. I tell them the story of what had happen. Thanks you girlies for caring about me. Love You! Hahaha… our “Queen Control”, asking me to help her to look and sent her patient back to his bed. In my heart I said, “sickening queen”.

About my grandma, I decided to go to my uncle house. But, my father stops me from going to his house. He knows what my attitude. He doesn’t want me to fight. Caused, if I fight, my hands and mouth will move to their face. Lucky them… Tomorrow, I will be going to my 5th aunty house. Her child will be there. So, I wish nothing happen.

Lastly, I would like to thanks Bhavani my ex-secondary schoolmate for giving me strength. Thanks boy! That all I want to type. Tata!!!

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