Thursday, March 16, 2006

Having a a great time during bowling... Hehehe.... Can't believe my eyes that Jeaneatte fall over the line in the slimy lane... EEeeee... All of us were laughting like hell... Hahahaha... Not only that, she even fall a 9 pounds bowling balls backward... Silly ... Niwae, really enjoy my time.
By the way, I might be giving a company resign letter on 1 April...

Well, no need to be surprise. It not because I don't like the job. I do this for my own sake of my future n knowledge. I might be going for futher study at ITE SIMEI as a Enrol Nurse. Well, I willl be bonded for 3 years in which ever company of hospital. I really going to miss them a lot.

Today, have a short meeting, hmmm... it all about $$$$ BONUS!!! Well, our bonus will be this 25 March... BORING!!! It will be together with Salary. Most of them were not like it that much due to their hardworking is it not to the equal payment.. Haizzz.... Life is like that...

Oh ya, talking about 25 March, we decided to go for an outing to East Coast just to have some fun time and enjoyment... Most of them will be bringing their family.. I wish the more the merrier....

Hmmm... That all I need to says ... Take Care!

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