Wednesday, June 21, 2006

WATI!!! Late again... Haiayh.... Must buy her 10 alarm clock.... HAhaha.... Tan Chin and her ehem fetch me... Go Changi Village for makan den go schooll.... Reach school, my stomach is like washing machine wanted to ddrain out all the feaces... Not only me... Tan Chin too... Sit at the toilet bowl... Chit-chatting with Tan Chin and out of sudden the sensor of the light is switch off... Blooddyy hell, we poo in the dark... Hahahaha...

In the train... (going home)... Me and Tan Chin sit together... Wati stay back...Chit-chatting about the people in the train... Hahaha... Den, out of sudden pop out this CUTE guy... Damn CUTE + HANDSOME... Fuyoo... Tak boleh angkat... Hahaha.... I keep talking about him to Tan Chin... Until Tan Chin says, I'm too crazy already... Hahaha...
Received unknown message and handphone.... Bloody helll... Don't know this few people... But they know me well... Hmmm.... Trying to recall all my friends that I know... Susah la.... K la.... Serous speaking I have nothing to say... Tata!!

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