Thursday, June 22, 2006

So sayang... Wati missed the two days adventure... What a waste.. Hahaha...

Yesterday, Tan Chin and me went for a jog at my place near the LONGKANG.... Show her my port where I usually hang out with my friends. She find it nice and cooling... So, we decided to walk across and ya, it was damn muddy and wet... My shoe was soak with the brownish mud... Hahahah.... Tan Chin wanted to go back... I said NO! Not only that, the funniest part was, Tan Chin fall at the bushy grass. I laugh out loud to see how she react... I really can't imagine if Wati was there... Confirm, she will shout EEEEE.... Hahaha.... After the climbing and walking... We finally come to the end of the small slope moutain... At he normal path, I bullied Tan Chin run and walk all the way to Teck Whye... She complain and complain... Hahahah....

Reach home, we wash our shoes in the washer machine... Cooll.... this is how lazy people do... Woahahaha....

Today was normal to me... Message Hassan... Poor Hassan fall sick (Hyper-pyrexia 39.9 degree celcuis)... Going home time, me, Tan Chin and her ehem went to Changi Airport... Woah!! This is my first time I saw the a close airplane right in front of my eyes... Hahahha...

Get a phone call from one of my chinese friend (classmate).. Not Tan Chin of course... We talk and talk out of sudden, my chinese friend says that there is a rumours about me lately... I heard it I was speechless... I tell that person, what I did wrong sey... Fuck la... If I know thaat bloody asshole person, he/she will get something from me.... (not to slap or wateva... just a silent killer treatment from me)...

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