Friday, July 28, 2006

5 days at NUH...

1st day morning shift... New friends, boring, confused, unorganised, too much of talking, butt getting tired for too much of sitting and get pay $10.00 just doing nothing..

2nd day, morning shift... Tour around the hospital. Too bad no morturay visit... Now, most of them complain of tired standing... *sigh*

3rd day, afternoon shift... Start the real work... Check patient's vital sign and etc... A lot of action... See shit... One of my patient passed away.. *sigh*

4th day, morning shift... normal.. fun begin start to chit-chat with patient... Afternoon, meet Zeenat, Hassan, Lydiawati, Wati and Django at bridge road makan TULANG, SATAY and ROJAK!! Yummy... Chit-chat about our work... Supposed to meet Haslene at Bukit Panjang for a talk at Al-Iman Mosque.. Too bad, unable to meet her... Home very late...

Zeenat, Lydianawati and me... 1st time, they are shocked to see me dress in that.. Hahahaha

5th day... That is today, morning shift.. Get a good compliment from patient and their relative and the ward staff.. Yipee... Sign the our log book... My lecturer smile wide... Hahaha... Reach home, fall a sleep till 9.15pm, get beep of my handphone... It was Hassan... *yawnz* Sms him... Then, received a call from Fairuz and my beloved one... Now, can't sleep... K la... Haiyah... this few days, my brain not working... See ya...Tata!!

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