Monday, July 17, 2006

Morning at 8.30am till 3pm +++ play The Sims 2...and ya, just finished cleaning and cooking... Hmmm... Still boring!! Read my email and receive Yattacos mail... Bla bla bla try this And this is what I get...

Where Do You Find Love?
DearLina, you find love in a Fairy Tale

Glass slippers, traveling minstrels, knights in shining armor. These are some of the classic components of fairy tales. And when it comes to your real-life love life, you'll take 'em in the form of candy and flowers, poems describing your beauty, tiny velvet boxes, and the like. Whether you are single or settled, you're a firm believer that the fairy tale shouldn't end when someone is carried over the threshold (though that's a pretty fun part, too).

You sometimes have to work to get your head out of the clouds, but your optimistic spirit and love-conquers-all attitude helps you deal with the good and bad that life might throw your way. As long as you can spot a poison apple when it knocks on your door, you'll always be able to find your happy ending.

My comment: (If I spot a poison apple, I guess I died first... Hahahhahaah)

What's Your Panty Personality?
DearLina, you're a Hipster

That's right, funny girl, you know how to use your quick wit and wise cracks to work a room, a party, or even that cute guy you've been eyeing. So even if you've never donned some super silly and sexy hipsters, these hot undies match your sweet and fun-loving personality.

It's easy to see why a great girl like you is so popular. Your charm and style help you wade through tough situations and glide through good ones. And you'll do it all with a smile on your face. What could be sweeter?

My comment: ( I wear hipster, OMG!! People will LOL... Why?? My fatty flesh at my stomach will be out!)

What's Your Beauty Secret?
Dearlina, your beauty secret is Living in the Moment

While some people rely of layers of cover up, Botox treatments, or endless reps at the gym to look good, you feel — and look — your best when you're actively involved in what's going on in your life. Sincere and open, you try not to let negative aspects from the past or worries about your future affect what is happening today. And that's what helps you enjoy and appreciate most things that you do.

It's the big events in life that you put most of your thought and energy into, which means you don't spend a lot of time sweating the little ones. Sound like a healthy way to deal with life? It is.

My comment: (WOW! This amazing! This is me....)

Are You Evil?
Norkhairillina, you're an Evil Middle High!

Well, you're kinda evil. They haven't reserved a place for you in Hell yet, but the leasing agents are starting their calls. (Sorry, no air conditioning.) We're guessing you find others' pain funny, your backstabbing knife is probably pretty sharp, and your sexual wiles have likely brought you enjoyment at the expense of your bunkmates a time or two. If more than one of those three things rings true, consider yourself a card-carrying evil person. If you're interested in recanting the evil thing, sensitivity counseling isn't a bad idea. Or else find a more sadistic career, like a bouncer or a metermaid. But hey, to each his own, and if your evilness fits, wear it.

Not Sexually Evil
So, you have a healthy sex drive — good for you! No one likes a prude. In general, you give as well as you get, though everyone can get a little selfish under the covers, so don't beat yourself up about going for the big one on your birthday. And while you're at it, go ahead and admit it — you've probably flashed a big smile to get your way in the bedroom before. But for the most part, you strike us as a pretty generous lover who's doing well at keeping your raw, sexual power in check. Yeah, baby!

Passive Aggressive
Don't feel too bad about hiding your anger. At least, not right now. When your spleen ruptures from internalized stress, then you can feel bad about it. Passive people act that way because they're ultimately sweet and don't want to upset anyone. While that may work for the short term, you end up looking like a real back-stabber when you, ah, stab someone in the back. Try to deal with your problems up front, and you probably won't have to renew your concealed weapons permit this year.

Black Hearted
We're not going to say you're a bad person, but you're toeing the line. A little advice: Try to think about how your victim will feel before you pull your next dirty prank (we don't care how funny it is when you take out a classifed ad and sell someone's car for them). You may think cruelty is funny, but your friends don't — especially the ones who've been burned by your verging-on-evil ways. Listen to your conscience a little more, okay?

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