Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What a day

Log in my friendster account... Hahahaha... Guess what, I meet my old friend back! It been 8 years we not seen each other... Amazing!!! At first I didn't recognised him... When he put up this pic at east coast... AHAK!! I remember... Haiyah... Miss those days...

Aniwae, I get my log book sign up up to 15 signature... I don't know why and how I get it so sudden... I just do and do my assigment and my 2 lecturers and SN just sign... *click*

Reach home.. Lay down on the bed.. Arrrggghhh.... Wat a relieve... Fall asleep.... received a phone call and looked at the time it was 7.20.... DAMN!!! I scream out that I'm late for work and why didn't they wake me up... My family member looked at me and laugh out loud... I tell them, not funny!! *Still continue laughing*I stop for a while and looked again at the watch... On the phone, my bf was telling me it was 7.20PM!!! Not in the morning!!! I smile and feel paiseh went to the room... Haiyah.. Twice already kena like this....

k la... gtg... Iron my uniform... Adios!!

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