Monday, December 11, 2006

CN is OVER!!!

Finally Clinical Nursing is OVER!!! But the sian thing is Behaviour Science.. TOMORROW!!! DAMN IT!!!

Let me tell ya, Clinical Nursing exam was okie until it come to OXYGEN questions... I spent most of the time on that Stupid 3 question... I really need to crack my brain... Y?? Coz I didn't study on that chapter... @#$%... I write anything I know or so called CHINCAI...

I was telling Tan Chin what had happen during my exam paper.. Well, I was smiling to the teachers, looking around at my friend and ya, twice my leg hit the table... OUCH! Mdm Tang really cannot stand me...

Before the exam starts.... Hmmm I see that my classmate was so stress and tension.. Especially Hassan... Poor Mr Einstein... This is my first time sees him in STRESS AND TENSION mood... Fuyoo... Walking from one end to another... Anyway thank goodness he can answer all question...

Well, I gtg... Study-study-study for the last paper... Wish me luck to BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE!!!! Woahahahahahah... Adios!!!

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