Monday, May 21, 2007


I'm 21 years old...
Dah lamer aku tunggu2..
Ni la tiba masa nye...

Well celebrate at East Cost Park...
Area F...
BBQ Pit 66....

Invite my family members, relatives plus plus most of my friends from PRIMARY, SECONDARY, ITE BISHAN, OJT ITE REHAB, ITE SIMEI and OTHERS...
Sampai tak terkira..
Ni la org banyak sangat kawan...
Jangan jadi lawan sudah ler...
Pengsan aku...

At first I received most of the message that some unable to come and etc..
But that day was ALHAMDULLILAH....
Ramai jugak yang turn up...
Not only that, nasib baik makanan cukup...

Layan2 dorg sampai tak tengok timing..
Ingatkan pukul 10.00pm
Skali tengok ALAMAK!!! Pukul 2.00am la..
The last member was PAT MAT REMPET (Kawan budak2 motor)...
Tu pun layan dorg sampai kul 4.00am...

Pak Ciks and Mak Ciks aku sampai cakap ader lagi ke yg datang...
BAnyak jugak ramai kau ni...
Dalam hati "Ramai datang lagi bagus... Banyak present la aku dapat"

Yang tak dapat datang tu Thanks for ya message...
IT okie...
Tak marah...

Yang datang pulak, thanks for coming and hope you ppl enjoy...
Oya, Tan Chin and Rahman thanks for the Cake...
PAndai kawan aku choose kan cake...

K la...
Till here...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Oh no....

At last...
My IV Test is finish..
I was so nervous until I'm like a spoil radio tape recorder...
But it okie...
Everything was okie and I PASS it.

Now my next problem is Bio Science Test..
It will be this Wednesday..
Nothing really goes in my mind yet..
I think if my brain have legs, it will run away and never come back...

Nurse job need to learn more..
After IV test, meet my members pat Tampines...

Well, till here!
Adios... BAth TIME!!!

Friday, May 04, 2007


Tomolo IV therapy test..
I wish I didn't get Mdm Philis Tan..
She is a fierce and Ah Lian teacher...
Step to be big...
Later I show her my Lion roar then she knows...
Well, LINA!!! All the best...

Today, really tired...
Run here and there...
Well, Tan Chin dan aku join the event of Nightingale Treasure Hunt..
It like Amazing Race...
We get to aim 6 stamps from IMH, Mt Alvernia Hospital, Nanyang Polytechnic, Tan Tock Seng, Dover Park Hospice and Mt Elizabeth Hospital.

Not only that, we bring our big heavy Tabbner book along...
I guess it like you are pregnant...
Macam separuh putus nyawa kita..
So, our last mission was at NP...
Tomolo after IV test we continue our hunt again..

Oya, after complaining of tired...
We watch movie..
"Release stress la konon"
Bought Tickets "Jangan Pandang Belakang" - Don't Look Behind (Ghost Story)...
Ah ko...Betul ye release..
From tension about tomolo become the tension about the ghost thingy...
Anyway, the show wasn't bad...
More shocking...

The ghost is a bit scary...
Ader kelakar jugak...
Especially pat Nenek OPAH!!!
Pity me nobody to hug or hide with...
Tan CHin with her guy...
And beside me was people's father...
No choice step to be brave..
I even shout out loud until the uncle beside me get shock because of my scream...

K la,..
Need to prepare for tomolo..
adios ppl...

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Die la...

Class Test is coming!!!

I left with 1 more week only..
HOw am I going to remember all that in just a short week..

Sian la...
Anyway, sorry ya guy for not updatee my blog for so long..
Too busy with school and study..

I even forget to feed my adorable 4 hamsters
Luckily nothing happen..

I can't be long..
Need to study more and do my homework..

Monday, April 23, 2007

$100 Voucher


Receive $100 voucher from Starhub Mobile..

At last I'm going to get a new HP!!!

Happy Birthday Ayah

Happy Birthday AYAH!!!
Finished school at 5pm today..
Well others, Hahahahah finished at 6pm..
Anyway, tomorrow my class will start at 1 pm...
Can sleep late tonite..
Oh ya, not to forget...
After school, went for shopping with Tan Chin..
At Simei...
Looking for this cleaning duster..
(Very hard for me to explain..)
But luckily at last I get it..
It cost me $30.00
Thanks to Tan Chin top up a few dollars...
On our way back, we keep on laughing non stop..
Chit chatting all the way..
In school,
Well, my 2nd year was turning me NUTS!
This time a lot of things to learn...
Sian lor..
Haiyah, as long I aim what I get is enough..
K la, I gtg..
Must study hard..
If not, someone will kill me..

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Study study study

Study - Study - Study!!!!