Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Early morning as normal... Only the 2 of us... Wati n me... Den Hassan... Reach class got my sleepy head. Hahaha... But this "Mak Ler" (giving by Django) out of sudden call Mark asking what our name?? N I was like OMG! (sudden wake up) lol.... So, Mak Ler come toward our areas and asking our name. I gave her my short and simple name... But sturborn head wants my full name. Guess what, she pronounce it wrong! Den Wati... At last, Mak Ler decided to know our name... For 5 week studying, she didn't know our name... Hahaha

Well, I was label as Longkang (Drain) Gal... Because of the last Saturday... Haiya... Niwae, coming soon there will be more... By right, Django going to be the next Longkang Man... But too bad... His body mechanic rescue him... Haiyah...

Niwae, by right our NS was for 5 hours... But luckily to some changes it end up at 3 hours only... Thank GOD! Otherwise, we all will get bored doing the same all thing again and again... But, tomorrow lesson will be as usual... BORING! Our jalan2 to BUGIS has to be cancel... Inside the train, we were talking and worried about Django... We all tot that Django going to be out of the group due to miscommunication and changes of leader. Lucky ah.... he still in. If not, susah la... Hahaha....

After school, Tan Chin, Wati, Hassan and me go to Jurong Entertaiment and IMM... Tot of buying the second hand watch... But nothing much nice... Hmmm... Cancel.... Den, we go to Daiso to buy for our project items.. Too bad, Tan Chin unable to stay late with us... Sob2... So, after we went shopping at Giant... Buy Foooddd!!! Not me... Wati and Hassan....

After the tired walk, we decided to sit at the B.K... Sit chit chatting... Out of sudden, I was in shocked to see Shanaz... They looked at the direction of what I was shocked about. I just gave Shanaz a wave hand... She smile like.... ( I don't know la wat to said) So, Wati was asking me... Eh, why is she don't want to come to say Hi to us?? Shy ah with her friend??? I jsut replied don't care la.. As long she happie that okie... Den about 20 mins, Shanaz walked in front of us n same thing happen... This time, she ignored us... Haiyah.... We kinda of shocked.... Well, just ignore of what she done... Haizzz.... Long talk... decided to make a move... Well, guess what, Giant alphabet G is on fire at the top og the letter just like the candle... Hahahaha.... Walking in the dark, something happen... Very funnny... Sorie ah (Secret) Don't want to make this person MALU... Hahahahaha... Laugh all the way to Jurong East MRT... Even Wati n me also laugh out loud...

Niwae, reach home at 10.30pm... K la, I gtg... Settle my project... Tata!

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