Monday, May 29, 2006

Early morning when I reached at J.E.... I see my two closed friends were studying for their test... Fuyoo... As for me, I was listening happily to my MP3... To see my two friends stress, i decided to made a joke... N ya, non-stop laughing action from them... Hehehe....

At the L.T where we take our BIO Test... Fuyoo, most of them were heart beating so fast... Hahahah.... But to my surprised, the test was damn chicken feet.. Only the last short question I didn't manage to crack my brain because I'm damn too lazy... Silly me... After everything end, I turn around n wanted to see Wati... But not, I see Hassan and show two thumbs up with my BIG smile.. Hahahahah....

Hmmm... when school end, about to reach my station, Tan Chin, Wati n me make a last mintue decision. Want to where??? Hahaha... Non other WATCHING MOVIE at Woodland Causeway Point... Yipeee.... Tan Chin received two free ticket... But the hell was we need to queue damn farking long for just a ticket... Hmmm... We watch Poseidon... Quite interesting, sad and and a bit of disgusting deaath... Guess what, we get a sit just nice for three of us at the 3rd row from the front. N ya, since I'm tall, I need to slide down my body downwards. Backache for the moment.. INside the movie, the 3 of us laugh and chat about what going to happen next...

After the show finished at 8.30pm, decided to release our urinary bladder. Guess what, I saw Haslene. Quite a shocked.. I was asking her, what she doing here and who she with... She repleid that she was watch the same movie as us. But not with her husband with other mat motor guy... What a shocked men... I wonder what going to happen if her husband found out she going out with another guy... Fuyoo... Surely MATI! The 2 gals also shocked of what happen..

At the KFC... Hmmm... The 3 of us bought a buddy meal. I just eat the spicy burger. That burger also I didn't managed to finished it up. But to my 2 friends force, I eat slowly and at last finished... Sian ah... We chat and chat of our life and secret till 10.30pm... Tot of continue talking but too bad, tomorrow sch at 8.00am. So each of share money $$$ for our BLUE 240 Taxi... Hahaha... Poor uncle has to send us home from 3 different direction. To my kind, I give him another $1.00 xtra...

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