Thursday, July 20, 2006


Whole day at home again... Tot of joining my friend play bowling.. But end up lazy... Sitting at the couch watching Spongebob and Power Puff Girls... Yawnzzz..... At 3.00pm, cooked black pepper beef... Damn spicy men...

My parent reach home, they eat... Complain too spicy... But my father LOVE it!!! Den, my god-mother called up asked to send my grandma to my aunty no 4 house... Lalala... First we visit my uncle no 2. His leg was big and complaining of pain... After that, fetch my grandma and ya, my uncle no 7 saying that I should not CUT my hair!!! Nag-nag-nag.... Luckily my god-mother come to the rescue... Hahahah

In the car, I was Complaining to my dad about wat I want to eat... He gave me the money and ya, at last I get it!! Magnum with Almond!!! YUMMY!!! ooo... The chocolate melt in my mouth... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh... Delicious..... On the way back home, message everyone who can get for me NDP ticket... Niwae, I want it because of my indonesian friend... Not only that, this year NDP will be tha last celebration at the Kallang Stadium (that what my dad told me). It going to build it big... MAybe for the next round Fever World Cup?? Hahaha

Reach home, mom complaining sick and fever... Luckily, tomorrow she not working.. I message her... As normal shouting of pain non-stop... Haizzz....

Received an email from my ex-bf... He wants me to try this... Again from

Why Are You Still Single?
Dearlina, you're single because you don't want to compromise

You live alone and like it, thanks very much. Well, at least some of the time. You prefer coming and going as you please, and you don't like to be controlled or held responsible for someone else's schedule or needs. After all, you probably have plenty of friends, a satisfying career (or other projects to occupy your time), and you may simply not have room for another person right now — unless of course they can bend to meet your routine exactly. Does this sound familiar?

While we admire your go-it-alone attitude — and your carefree, open-minded spirit — you may be shutting out others from your life without realizing it. You never know, maybe if you met the right person you could learn to grow together — while holding onto your hard-earned independence.

My comment: I'm attached... So, for wat I'm worried to much... I a happy go lucky...

K la, I gtg... Adios....

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