Friday, December 29, 2006

Night At The Museum

Release Date:
21st December 2006

110 mins, PG, Comedy/Family/Fantasy/Action

Directed by:
Shawn Levy

Local Distributor:
20th Century Fox

Good-hearted dreamer Larry Daley, despite being perpetually down on his luck, thinks he's destined for something big. But even he could never have imagined how big, when he accepts what appears to be a menial job as a graveyard-shift security guard at a museum of natural history. During Larry's watch, extraordinary things begin to occur: Mayans, Roman Gladiators, and cowboys emerge from their diorama to wage epic battles; in his quest for fire, a Neanderthal burns down his own display; Attila the Hun pillages his neighboring exhibits, and a T-Rex reminds everyone why he's history's fiercest predator.
Ooo.... This movie is damn funny, cool and amazing... It is worth to watch it.. Well, I give 4 out of 5... In the cinema, The 3 of us laugh so lauug so loud until the others follow... Hahahahahah.... Although we are a bit paiseh... Who care... In the dark.. Who knows... Hahahahahahah
I like the part about DUMB DUMB!!! It is cool to see if anything move in the museum at night...
So people... Don't miss it.. Have fun... Adios!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


I bloodddyy HAPPY today... Y???

Firstly, I get out my house get my blood test result from Ms Chow and meet him... Not only that, we play with the rain... Hahahaha Crazy us...

Secondly, Hassan msg about the result.. So to my surprised.... Hahahaha... I pass with flying colours... This time... Much more better... Oooo.... I guess tonite I will sleep with a smile on my face just llike this
<- MINAH Hahahahahah.. Hassan is the first person to know my result...

Oooo... Today is really my day... Ahhh... Wat a relieve.... K la... Adios! THE SIMS 2 HERE I COME....

Monday, December 25, 2006


We wish you all a Merry Christmas..... Aaaahhh... Enjoying ourself.. Ho Ho Ho....

Friday, December 22, 2006

At last yesterday I'm out of the house... If not, I will producing more FAT in my body... Hahahaha... Well, went to Roy's house together with Tan Chin and her niece.. Makan-makan and celebrate Christmas...

Niwae, he will be leaving Singapore this 24th December... Where?? His own country of course in Philippine... Cool...

I guess I will be at home today... K la... Gtg... Adios!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rain rain Go Away...

Good morning Singapore... I'm Dearlina Posh Tata reporting LIVE at home...

Our current weather condition as of 8.00am SGT THUNDERSTORM affecting most areas...!!

24 - 29 degree Celcius

Please stay at home to prevent any electrocuted by thunder strike, accident or injuries...

Kids sing a song " Rain-rain go away" so that you can get your ass out of the house to minimize the SIANZ face and to peace your parent minds...

For parents out there, report sick or any excuse to your boss... No need to come to work as it is nice weather to sleep...

Once again, I'm Dearlina Posh Tata... See ya again....


Sianz la... Been days a home nothing better to do... Sleep most of the time and play The Sims 2... My goodness... Where is Mr Sunshine and Mr Cloudy???

Anyway, I caught my hamster (Blackie) rape Tan Chin's hamster (Whitey)... Hahaha... Poor gal...

And see that, Whitey been like that for few minutes.. I guess Whitey is in pain... Woahahaha...

Wish my Whitey all the best... Hope Whitey can breed more hamtaro... Hehehe... You go Blackie! Produce MORE!! Woahahaha...

Hmmm... Watch Happy Feet... Nice family show... I give 3 out of 5...


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Peace on mind right now...No more tycoon disaster in the head... EXAM 1.2 is OVER!!! YakeeeYipee... Now my brain is having a winter season... Hahahahah....

I get my posting at NUH again... Together with Tan Chin and the same group plus new 2 gal in our team... but, our co-ordinator change... Mrs Tan! Doom!!! Mrs Fierce and PERFECT!... And this time our 1 week is going to Senior Citizen Home... Where?? AMKH-THKH... Back to my hospital.. Niwae, for us is not comfirm yet coz... Sister Ah Chee tells us that we MUST NOT come back and SHOULD travel all the hospital...


Watch Deja Vu movie with Tan Chin and her abang at Woodland Causeway Point... They belanja me... Niwae, Deja Vu movie... I give 3 out of 5... It a complicated and you must listen and watch the movie carefully... If you miss some part of it... Thats it... You going to be blur...

This is the link of the movie....

Everyone has experienced the unsettling mystery of déjà vu--that flash of memory when you meet someone new you feel you've known all your life or recognize a place even though you've never been there before. But what if the feelings were actually warnings sent from the past or clues to the future? It is déjà vu that unexpectedly guides ATF agent Doug Carlin through an investigation into a shattering crime. Called in to recover evidence after a bomb sets off a cataclysmic explosion on a New Orleans Ferry, Carlin is about to discover that what most people believe "is only in their heads" is actually something far more powerful--and will lead him on a mind-bending race to save hundreds of innocent people.

Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer, Paula Patton, Bruce Greenwood, Adam Goldberg
Directed by:
Tony Scott
Produced by:
Mike Stenson, Chad Oman, Terry Rossio


Guess what... I think I been like him before... A lot of time... Some time it scary... Coz you will never know what going to happen next... Damn and AMAZING!!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

CN is OVER!!!

Finally Clinical Nursing is OVER!!! But the sian thing is Behaviour Science.. TOMORROW!!! DAMN IT!!!

Let me tell ya, Clinical Nursing exam was okie until it come to OXYGEN questions... I spent most of the time on that Stupid 3 question... I really need to crack my brain... Y?? Coz I didn't study on that chapter... @#$%... I write anything I know or so called CHINCAI...

I was telling Tan Chin what had happen during my exam paper.. Well, I was smiling to the teachers, looking around at my friend and ya, twice my leg hit the table... OUCH! Mdm Tang really cannot stand me...

Before the exam starts.... Hmmm I see that my classmate was so stress and tension.. Especially Hassan... Poor Mr Einstein... This is my first time sees him in STRESS AND TENSION mood... Fuyoo... Walking from one end to another... Anyway thank goodness he can answer all question...

Well, I gtg... Study-study-study for the last paper... Wish me luck to BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE!!!! Woahahahahahah... Adios!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Wat a relieve...

Ahhhh.... Feeling much better... If not I think I going to suffer like SHITO.... Especially difficulties in breathing when my nose was block with fluid.... Not only that, when it is dry... Damn I tell ya, it nice to dig but it kinda of irritating coz, the dry is off and the fluid start back...
Niwae, today is HISTORY!!!! I drink COFFEE Classic of Nescafe.. For the 1st time in my life... This coffe is SUPER.. No wonder some people can't stop having coffe just like my girlfriend Tan Chin... My boyfriend was shocked to hear that I drink it...

Mr Coffee... Why oh why???This cup will be my morning victim for MR COFFEE... Hahahahah...

Niwae, I need to continue my studies... Tmrw is my CN examination... Doom!!! See la my room in the mess... This is how I study..
No need to say... I know....
Since I got over studies... I surf the net... Oya, here are some funny pic... Hmmm.... Whoever under 16 is not allow to see it...

I like this the most... Hahaha...
K la... Gtg... Adios!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Fever n Flu!!!

Having fever and flu for the past 3 days... Cannot tahan already... I guess I'm having fever because of lost of blood (abort my egg) hahahah... Tan Chin tot I'm stress due to studying too much...

Well, Monday and Tuesday is my final 1.2 examination paper for Clinical and Bio... Ooo... I wish I pass... Although I been studying, I don't know it is absorb to my brain or not... Sian ah...

K la dudes... I gtg study-study-study.... Adios Amigos!!!