Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Early morning as normal... Only the 2 of us... Wati n me... Den Hassan... Reach class got my sleepy head. Hahaha... But this "Mak Ler" (giving by Django) out of sudden call Mark asking what our name?? N I was like OMG! (sudden wake up) lol.... So, Mak Ler come toward our areas and asking our name. I gave her my short and simple name... But sturborn head wants my full name. Guess what, she pronounce it wrong! Den Wati... At last, Mak Ler decided to know our name... For 5 week studying, she didn't know our name... Hahaha

Well, I was label as Longkang (Drain) Gal... Because of the last Saturday... Haiya... Niwae, coming soon there will be more... By right, Django going to be the next Longkang Man... But too bad... His body mechanic rescue him... Haiyah...

Niwae, by right our NS was for 5 hours... But luckily to some changes it end up at 3 hours only... Thank GOD! Otherwise, we all will get bored doing the same all thing again and again... But, tomorrow lesson will be as usual... BORING! Our jalan2 to BUGIS has to be cancel... Inside the train, we were talking and worried about Django... We all tot that Django going to be out of the group due to miscommunication and changes of leader. Lucky ah.... he still in. If not, susah la... Hahaha....

After school, Tan Chin, Wati, Hassan and me go to Jurong Entertaiment and IMM... Tot of buying the second hand watch... But nothing much nice... Hmmm... Cancel.... Den, we go to Daiso to buy for our project items.. Too bad, Tan Chin unable to stay late with us... Sob2... So, after we went shopping at Giant... Buy Foooddd!!! Not me... Wati and Hassan....

After the tired walk, we decided to sit at the B.K... Sit chit chatting... Out of sudden, I was in shocked to see Shanaz... They looked at the direction of what I was shocked about. I just gave Shanaz a wave hand... She smile like.... ( I don't know la wat to said) So, Wati was asking me... Eh, why is she don't want to come to say Hi to us?? Shy ah with her friend??? I jsut replied don't care la.. As long she happie that okie... Den about 20 mins, Shanaz walked in front of us n same thing happen... This time, she ignored us... Haiyah.... We kinda of shocked.... Well, just ignore of what she done... Haizzz.... Long talk... decided to make a move... Well, guess what, Giant alphabet G is on fire at the top og the letter just like the candle... Hahahaha.... Walking in the dark, something happen... Very funnny... Sorie ah (Secret) Don't want to make this person MALU... Hahahahaha... Laugh all the way to Jurong East MRT... Even Wati n me also laugh out loud...

Niwae, reach home at 10.30pm... K la, I gtg... Settle my project... Tata!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Early morning when I reached at J.E.... I see my two closed friends were studying for their test... Fuyoo... As for me, I was listening happily to my MP3... To see my two friends stress, i decided to made a joke... N ya, non-stop laughing action from them... Hehehe....

At the L.T where we take our BIO Test... Fuyoo, most of them were heart beating so fast... Hahahah.... But to my surprised, the test was damn chicken feet.. Only the last short question I didn't manage to crack my brain because I'm damn too lazy... Silly me... After everything end, I turn around n wanted to see Wati... But not, I see Hassan and show two thumbs up with my BIG smile.. Hahahahah....

Hmmm... when school end, about to reach my station, Tan Chin, Wati n me make a last mintue decision. Want to where??? Hahaha... Non other WATCHING MOVIE at Woodland Causeway Point... Yipeee.... Tan Chin received two free ticket... But the hell was we need to queue damn farking long for just a ticket... Hmmm... We watch Poseidon... Quite interesting, sad and and a bit of disgusting deaath... Guess what, we get a sit just nice for three of us at the 3rd row from the front. N ya, since I'm tall, I need to slide down my body downwards. Backache for the moment.. INside the movie, the 3 of us laugh and chat about what going to happen next...

After the show finished at 8.30pm, decided to release our urinary bladder. Guess what, I saw Haslene. Quite a shocked.. I was asking her, what she doing here and who she with... She repleid that she was watch the same movie as us. But not with her husband with other mat motor guy... What a shocked men... I wonder what going to happen if her husband found out she going out with another guy... Fuyoo... Surely MATI! The 2 gals also shocked of what happen..

At the KFC... Hmmm... The 3 of us bought a buddy meal. I just eat the spicy burger. That burger also I didn't managed to finished it up. But to my 2 friends force, I eat slowly and at last finished... Sian ah... We chat and chat of our life and secret till 10.30pm... Tot of continue talking but too bad, tomorrow sch at 8.00am. So each of share money $$$ for our BLUE 240 Taxi... Hahaha... Poor uncle has to send us home from 3 different direction. To my kind, I give him another $1.00 xtra...
Oooo... My brain going to crack soon... Student Head ExplodesTomorrow will be the day of SCARY DAY!!! hahaha... Non other our BIO SCIENCE TEST.... Arrrggghhh.... I wonder how my friends doing?? Hahaha.... Haiyoh... For me... only some that already inside.. The others subject??? hmmm... Not yet... I guess when I'm out of the school, you all will see my hair turn white or loss of hair... Hahaha...
Didn't call him for the whole day... Too busy studyReading... At a bout 6 plus.., he call up and scold like shit. I tell him the truth and he accused me... And hang up the phone. Ooooo.... I really don't know what is wrong with him. Then I received a called from Jeeva.. Poor Jeeva fall ill. She told me she never study at all... ALAMAK! Another creation of me... Hahaha...

Niwae JN 0604 G... Wateva you can answer to the test is fine. At least you put some effort..
K-K-K... So, once again... Good Luck!


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Tot of meeting him early just to settle something... But end up I was lock outside his house for 1 hour.. What a waste of time. His mother apologised for the incident. They were over slept. (Wateva!!!)

So, we went out... we chat-chat-chat about what happening... From what I see, he doesn't care already.. I relax myself and cool off... Out of sudden, he shouted at me... I was shocked for a moment... But this time, I don't give him a damn.. I fight back... Who the hell is he to scold me.. End up, we both went to separated ways home (not yet break up). I cried... Haiyah... In the bus, I look like as if this is the end of it... BUT NOT! I tried to control and told myself life must go on...

Reach home at 6.30pm... Tot of study for my monday BIO test paper... When I see it, damn... I'm too lazy.... I on my msn... See the friendster, add some of them in... After that, nothing much can be done...

At about 11.30pm, I decided to go out.. Sit at the big drain near my neighbourhood block. Look around relax my mind. Fuyoo... I received a call from Wati... She was asking where I am, what I'm doing and etc... I was shocked that how she knows where I am.. I replied the question she gave me... She says better go home... Another few minute later, I received a message from Django... Same thing same question... Same replied... Den, another message receive from Hassan... also the same thing... hahahahahaha....

Wati, Django and Hassan thanks for your concern and be there for me. I really appreciate it... I wish you all good luck and pass ya test!!
After school, we decided to watch a movie... But poor thing was Hassan unable to make it... Haiyah... Leceh la...The Gals meet the Guys at Kembangan... As normal, Laugh and laugh.. Non-stop.... We alight at the Douby Ghaut MRT and go to the new Mall... THE CATHAY.

Wati, Django, Tan Chin and Me watch X-Men The Last Stand. Nice, romantic, cool and x-tra happening la... Hahahhaah.... In side the cinema, Wati and me was laughing. Aniwae, nothing much I can said... Just watch it poeple... Don;t miss it... THis time around Good and the Bad LOST!

Everything was okie.. Until I reach home and call him up... This time, I realise that he had change to worst.. I kinda of regret but it kinda of waste just to realise like that. I can't believe that, he says that thing only bring him happiness.. I msg my fwen... n tell him about what had happen... He was shocked of what he did to me...

Now, I'm totalie lost and confused.. If I were to break up with him, it kinda of waste the 3 year relationship and if I listen to him, I rugi... Because the happiness was him not me... Haiyah... Please help me...

Friday, May 26, 2006

In the class, Wati n me were busy drawing... Not listening to our class advisor... Hehehe... Not only that, I didn't know that Wati can do such a nice drawing... ooooo....Haha....

During our break time, Wati was talking about Mark... Django as normal, disturb Wati... Hahaha... Until Wati get bored and complaint to me and Tan Chin... HAhahaha... But all we can do was to laugh and laugh and laugh....

At the L.T... Woah, damn boring.. All was talking and talking and talking.. Nothing much we learned.. So, Wati n Me draw...

This is done by ME

Wati draw this... Cute and NICE!!!

Hassan drawing

Below this pic, a combination of Me, Wati and Tan Chin

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

One whole day, I didn't get to slp... In the dark of my room, trying to get slp also cannot... Till now, I tried but I can't. I tell my friend about it... They say I might be stress, thinking of problem or something disturbing me.. Well, nothing... NOTHING at all... Hmmm...

Not only that, in class I used to sleep but not for today.. AWAKE! Disturbing Nirma about denture... Pretending not to have a denture... Hahaha... Oooo... What wrong with me??? Haiyah... Niwae, I having a great time..
Ooo.... I have been sleeping all day today not even today only for the past few days also the same.. Fuyoo... Nothing get in my head. Even Nirma wakes me up, I fall asleep back.. Too damn sleepy. Not only that, the way the class advisor teach was too much talking... Most of my classmate caught me sleeping but I don't know about my class advisor.. Haha!!

Haiyah!! I wish tomorrow will be my wakie up day!! Must concentrate on my Bio already. Test is comiong.. YEsterday was my Nursing Studies test regrading about the transfering. Well, my class advisior says that our class pass no one failed. GOOD!!! But I was damn angry to the invegilator ... There is this part she question me... Give me 3 Cs... So, my answer was corbell, comfort and cotside.. She replied no, that not the answer I want. So, I asked her to repeat it again. TWICE! at last I get it... The answer was Comfort, Safety and Belt.

In my heart I was cursing the advisor... I came out and fell very angry I feel like I want to shout... Arrrggghh!! Luckily I control, but still cursing around with my fwen... hahahaha....

K la, till here... Need to wake up and meet Nirma and Tan Chin at 7.0am Jurong East MRT... So, see ya...

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Taurus, the Bull (April 21 to May 21): This warmhearted and determined partner is just your type. Initially, a Taurus may catch your eye with a romantic gesture or their penchant for having a good time. But as you get to know them, you're even more likely to be drawn to your Taurean's unwavering devotion and dedication.

People born under this sign typically know what they want out of life and stick by the decisions they've made. This devotion to their own truths can make members of this sign seem stubborn or critical at times. However, know that most Taureans are also sentimental types who like to focus on their romantic relationships.

In the bedroom, you're apt to find that the Bull is a creative and expressive lover with a high sex drive. It's just another aspect of their vital nature, one that finds pleasure in everyday things and has an eye for beauty.

Although Taurus is your strongest Zodiac Match, your responses indicate there are a number of other astrological signs that you're highly compatible with.

Beware! Not all Zodiac signs are a good match for you-and some could be disastrous.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Early morning, Nirma break record of coming first at our meeting point. Hahaha.... Late because of Tan Chin... (Wake up late la) Reach school just in time. The three of us still got time to buy breakfast. Before that, my dear Nirma was damn blur.. After going down the bus, she wanted to talk to me.. But all of sudden, I saw her talk to a boy. Hahahahaha... Well, she was shocked and paiseh not only that, the boy also smile... Hahahaha...

During class and LT lesson, I fall asleep. Usually, I will be talkative. This time, Nirma was curious why I'm so quiet. By the time she turns, she found out that I was so peacefully sleep. It because of the boring talk by the teachers.. Hahahahaha...

Going back at 3.30pm... Very late because of make-up lesson. After the lesson, we went to Simei BAnquet and MAKAN!!!! Well, I treat them. (Nirma, Tan Chin, Roy, Hassan and Django) We laugh the whole day... Especially me the most.

Non-stop laugh till we get separated home... Sob2... Niwae, there will be tomorrow... Hahahahaha.... That all!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Yesterday was a memorialble day of my life. My two classmates Tan Chin and Nirma Wati bought me a handphone chain. It was so damn nice and I feel like I'm afraid of using it. How sweet of them... LUV YA LADIES!!!

Roy sing for me at the Admin block together with 2 ladies... So very the malu... Hahaha.... Niwae, thanks GUYS.

Didn't go for my rick climbling.. Muscles cramp every where... Fuyoo... But, I still jogging at room.. HAhaha... Crazy me..

K la, till here,.. Can't wait for tmrw... Heehehe will be old soon... TAta
YipeE!!! Today is the day I will be 20.. Hehe.. Niwae, I 'm a bit sad.. Because my BF forget about my birthday.. HAizzz... I really can't forget about that.. I think not only him... But, I was shock that, a guy (Asbullah) who just know me for a few months wish me in the midnight at 12.06am. WOW! But that time, I was asleep.. Hehehe...

Niwae, I have nothing much to said... Well, wish me luck and all the best especially I wish I can get a goal and pass my examination...