Monday, July 31, 2006

Morning shift... I bought a rotikari cost $0.50 at Jurong MRT Interchange... OMG!! It was damn awfull... YUCKZ! Luckily it was cheap... If not, what a waste of my money..

Everyone was asking about my result.. Haizzz.... Wat a KPO!!! Nevermind, people always like that... Haahaha... Hmmm, my patient seems to independent and friendly.. But, today I got a stocker... WHO??? My nursing lecturer of course... Whateva I do, she just follow and comment.. Damn! 4 times a day! Luckily it wasn't me get the same incident... Haslene too... Hahahahah...

During our break time, Haslene was talking about her life and etc... Ah!!! Now, I know the real Haslene... 3pm, we went home together and buy Hot chocolate... Yummy!!!

On my way home, I sms TanChin, Hassan and Karena about something secret.. If they tell this to other people except Zeenat (which Hassan will tell her), hmmm.... I really don't know what to says... Or easy for me, NOT TO TRUST THEM!!

K la, I gtg... Tomorrow morning shift again... See ya, Adios!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Congrat to all people who had passed their exam include me... Hahahaha... For those who didn't passed, try again... Don't be sad.. It not the end of the world... There is still more to come...

In the morning, meet Karena at Ang Mo Kio to teach her PowerPoint... Then, meet my beloved one at Tampines... Have so much fun today...

On the way home, received message from Karena, Hassan, Tan Chin, Zeenat and Zila... Asking me about my result.. Well, I did passed my exam with love.. N ya, the first person to know was Hassan.. Hahaha.... Den, Tan Chin and Zeenat... Thanks ya people... LUV YA ALOT!!! All of us chit-chat together...

K la, I want to play my THE SIMS2... I really enjoy myself today with all the activity and chit-chatting with my closed people....

Friday, July 28, 2006

5 days at NUH...

1st day morning shift... New friends, boring, confused, unorganised, too much of talking, butt getting tired for too much of sitting and get pay $10.00 just doing nothing..

2nd day, morning shift... Tour around the hospital. Too bad no morturay visit... Now, most of them complain of tired standing... *sigh*

3rd day, afternoon shift... Start the real work... Check patient's vital sign and etc... A lot of action... See shit... One of my patient passed away.. *sigh*

4th day, morning shift... normal.. fun begin start to chit-chat with patient... Afternoon, meet Zeenat, Hassan, Lydiawati, Wati and Django at bridge road makan TULANG, SATAY and ROJAK!! Yummy... Chit-chat about our work... Supposed to meet Haslene at Bukit Panjang for a talk at Al-Iman Mosque.. Too bad, unable to meet her... Home very late...

Zeenat, Lydianawati and me... 1st time, they are shocked to see me dress in that.. Hahahaha

5th day... That is today, morning shift.. Get a good compliment from patient and their relative and the ward staff.. Yipee... Sign the our log book... My lecturer smile wide... Hahaha... Reach home, fall a sleep till 9.15pm, get beep of my handphone... It was Hassan... *yawnz* Sms him... Then, received a call from Fairuz and my beloved one... Now, can't sleep... K la... Haiyah... this few days, my brain not working... See ya...Tata!!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Whole day watching CSI and Crime Investigation at AXN. Plus a Laguna Beach from MTV and cartoon show...

Niwae, received sms from Hassan wishing us good luck for tomorrow clinical practice in the hospital that we attached to... and sms from Tan Chin regarding about her trip to kampong... She kinda of sad of wat happen... I will get the full detail tomorrow when we meet up together.. I wish she is okie and nothing effect for her clinical..

Aniwae, I got nothing to say... Well, nite-nite... Sweet dream people...

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Happy Nurses Day to all nurses... Niwae, we were celebrating at our school auditorium... 1000 people... Fuyoo... Hehehehe... I really enjoy the show, dancing and much more... At first I tot it going to be sux... Coz, the person I sit next to was Noraini, Tan Chin, Karena and Shahril... But I guess was wrong!! They are totally awesome and ROCK!!!... The best part was we were dancing when the M.C called up Mr Tay to dance... Some of the girl from others classes join us... YIPEE!!!*two thumb up*...

After all the event, we take a class photo...

Change my clothes n collect our food... Down Tan Chin and me to the canteen... Together with Hassan.. Chit-chatting and disturbing one another while eating... Off we go... Saying goodbye to the LOVE birds... (Django and Wati)

In the train, Hassan was reading book, Tan Chin and me were chit-chatting... At City Hall, Hassan sit.

"See ya gals in 3 month time." says Hassan

I do my peace flying kiss to him and Tan Chin was laughing... *Wave goodbye*. Out we go....

Toa Payoh, doing our flag day... Saw Sharon Foo and Bahyah... WOW!! Bloody hell, their tins was so heavy... Mine are like few cents... Luckily my classmate and teacher put some... HEhehehe... So, we go around Toa Payoh central asking people "Would you like to donate??" and show our ugly smile... LOL!!

Majority of them just ignore or donated it already... I message Hassan... Complaining to him about Toa Payoh people... He laugh and congrat me for choosing that place... When the coins reach 1/2 the tin, I tell Tan Chin to go back to AMK... Reach AMK, return all the items... I was quite shocked that some of AMK staff didn't know I'm out... Poor them... Nevermind...

Tan Chin went home and I go to Bukit Panjang Plaza meet my close friend (a guy). While waiting for him, I walk around, window shopping and enter the library... Browsing some book and magazine... I received a call from him....

"I reached already, meet you at the Taxi stand." says my close friend

In the car. While he was driving, he asked me where to go... I look at him and say "I don't know" He says we go Sentosa... I say anything... At Sentosa, he drive all place... Then, my friend Fairuz call... My close friend pick up and switch to loudspeaker. Fairuz hang up... Fairuz called again... Again my close friend did the same thing... Now, fairuz speak up...

"Hello, Can I speak with Lina?". - Fairuz

"What you want from her? I'm her boyfriend." - My close friend. I sit beside him, I laugh and giggle the way he did to Fairuz...

"Yes, Fairuz..." I shout and laugh...

"Who is that??" - Fairuz

"He is my close friend" then my close friend interrupt, "Sorry ya... Just joking"

"It okie... Thanks for the joke" - Fairuz

Together we chat... Out of sudden my stomach growling so loud.. So paiseh... My close friend look at me and laugh...

"That is my first time hear that from you" my close friend

I smile and looked at other direction... He drive to West Coast for makan... On the way, received a called from Wati using Django phone. Bla-bla-bla... Reach West Coast, we order Indian rojak and roti john... Yummy....!! He pay up everything.. All I says was thank you and pinch his face...

He drive me home... Received a message from Zeenat... Asking me when and how much is the package for our trip to sentosa... Niwae, we are planning to go to Sentosa after we get our pay day... Just the 3 of us... Hassan Zeenat and me...

Reach home, I take a bath and on my computer... Received a call from my close friend... We chit-chat and on the other side, at 10.20pm... Received sms from Hassan asking me how is my Flag day and my anger feeling going on??? Bla-bla-bla... I sms till 11.15pm My close friend tot I was smsing with my boyfriend... I say No... My boyfriend is already alseep... We talk till 1.00am... I tell him that I'm going to sleep already... Then we give each other a goodnite kiss and say friend forever...

Friday, July 21, 2006


Morning at 8.00am, received a call from Kak Kalsom (Not my mom) AMKH... It regarding about the FLAG DAY!! So, she asked me to meet up at 1.00pm together with Tan Chin....

At AMKH... Collect our "tin" and stickers... Haizzz... On 22th July at 6.00pm is our last day... This will be damn tired... Not only that, our school will be celebrating Nurses Day... Fuyoo... Oya, we get an invitation from AMKH on 28th July for Nurses Day. Tan Chin and me tot of going... But we need to see our schedule...

Everyone was surprise to see me.. At last I get to see my LADY BOSS and my SENIOR T.A BOSS... Hahaha... N ya, I bought them chocolate... But I couldn't believe that Patrick Tai still remember my favourite chocolate... FERRER ROCHER CHOCOLATE... Hmmmm... Delicious...We talk-talk-talk... Tan Chin was pamper... Hehehe...

Den, down to Outpatient therapy... Haiyah... Aunty Letchmi is not around.. BORING!! But nevermind... So, we talk-talk-talk again and Tan Chin looked around at the Outpatient equipment... Den, Derek give me chocolate... It a chocolate cookies by twist and chococlate biscuit... OMG!!! I get more and more chococlate... This one also very nice.... Ooooo... I wish I could work again...

I still remember the day, my big day... Birthday of course.... Sharon Sim and Limin bought for me blueberry and chocolate birthday... Not only that, I received more and more chocolate... YUMMY!!! Oooo... Miss those days...

So, after all the visiting... Tan Chin and me when for shopping at AMK... Shopping non-stop till 6.00pm... Fuyooo....


While playing Habbo, received a called from my youngest sister... She says that she found a baby hamster in the plastic bowl... She asked me if I want it or not.. Of course I says YES... Lalalala... She bring home... I looked at it... And ya, to my silly action I was wondering this is not hamster it look like a rat... On the internet and search for baby rat at yahoo... OMG to my amaze... It a bloody BABY RAT! LINA TERTIPU BANG-LINA TERTIPU... (Lina been cheated)

If my mom get to know this... I surely get FIRED!! Heheheh.... Not to worry... I keep it in the container and next morning my youngest will put it where it is been found...

My younger sister complaining to me that my youngest sister is being rude, home late after school , hanging on the phone nearly half a day and boys calling her in the middle of the night...

So, I spot check my youngest sister handphone and her bag... Unbelievable... To my shock was in her handphone, I saw this barcadi beer words, scolding people and called herself a BITCH! Oooo... I can't take it anymore, she make me angry and feel like slapping her face... Luckily I control my hand if not... You know what she gonna get... I scolded her till she cried.

My both sister is afraid of me when I was angry or scolding... Coz, they kena from me before... Like something will just fly to their face, my hand will swing and pinch till blue-black... Previously, both of them kena wacked twice with ROTTAN from me... Coz, both of them were figthing each other...

HAizzz... Niwae, I just pray that nothing happen to my 2 sister... K la, nite2... Oya, today is Tan Chin birthday... HAPYY BIRTHDAY!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Whole day at home again... Tot of joining my friend play bowling.. But end up lazy... Sitting at the couch watching Spongebob and Power Puff Girls... Yawnzzz..... At 3.00pm, cooked black pepper beef... Damn spicy men...

My parent reach home, they eat... Complain too spicy... But my father LOVE it!!! Den, my god-mother called up asked to send my grandma to my aunty no 4 house... Lalala... First we visit my uncle no 2. His leg was big and complaining of pain... After that, fetch my grandma and ya, my uncle no 7 saying that I should not CUT my hair!!! Nag-nag-nag.... Luckily my god-mother come to the rescue... Hahahah

In the car, I was Complaining to my dad about wat I want to eat... He gave me the money and ya, at last I get it!! Magnum with Almond!!! YUMMY!!! ooo... The chocolate melt in my mouth... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh... Delicious..... On the way back home, message everyone who can get for me NDP ticket... Niwae, I want it because of my indonesian friend... Not only that, this year NDP will be tha last celebration at the Kallang Stadium (that what my dad told me). It going to build it big... MAybe for the next round Fever World Cup?? Hahaha

Reach home, mom complaining sick and fever... Luckily, tomorrow she not working.. I message her... As normal shouting of pain non-stop... Haizzz....

Received an email from my ex-bf... He wants me to try this... Again from

Why Are You Still Single?
Dearlina, you're single because you don't want to compromise

You live alone and like it, thanks very much. Well, at least some of the time. You prefer coming and going as you please, and you don't like to be controlled or held responsible for someone else's schedule or needs. After all, you probably have plenty of friends, a satisfying career (or other projects to occupy your time), and you may simply not have room for another person right now — unless of course they can bend to meet your routine exactly. Does this sound familiar?

While we admire your go-it-alone attitude — and your carefree, open-minded spirit — you may be shutting out others from your life without realizing it. You never know, maybe if you met the right person you could learn to grow together — while holding onto your hard-earned independence.

My comment: I'm attached... So, for wat I'm worried to much... I a happy go lucky...

K la, I gtg... Adios....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Wake up at 10.30pm... Y?? Play Age Of Empire 3 till midnight... With who?? Of course my guy and his friend.. We combine our team and battle with some other player... Who wins?? OF course us!!! Hahahaha.... Stay home, play The Sims 2... Here are some snap shot n stories....

In the Sims University, Dearlina and Dominic meet each other... N ya, Dearlina and Dominic Leong (the rabbit) fall in love...

After break up, Dearlina continue studies and aim up for her future... There she is graduate... CONGRAT!!

This is their new home...
Dearlina meet Kamizaki at town and become good friend to best friend and to LOVER... They get married...

That night they make LOVE... Hahahaha...
Few days later.... Dearlina start to vomit and her lost appetite...
Her stomach become bigger and bigger... One day... She shout for help and cry in pain... Her husband Kamizaki was so panic...

Aww... It a baby boy.... Name Helmi Kamizaki...

Wondering who is she??? Well, she is Dearlina first SEX with Dominic... See la, never used condom... Hahahahah... Her name is Diserie Dominic Leong.. Now she grow old... Hahaha....

K-K... Stop here.. Not finished playing how to continue the stories... Hahahaha...

Niwae, buy this game THE SIMS2... It cool... Especially you get all sets... As I was playing... At 7.30pm, I received 2 message... From Hafiz and Hassan... Hafiz was saying How am I and wat I'm doing...N Hassan says I think if this vacation is going 2 last another week, I'm going 2 shoot myself... he he he..

So, I message the both of them and Hafiz quiet out of sudden.. Den left Hassan... We message and message talking about wat we doing, how I feel to about my classmate and etc.. Till 10.00pm.. The last message was I reply that I want to watch Sembilu 4, adios and nite-nite... He reply night2 c u 22nd...

Well, till here... That all I can say. I'm going to continue playing my game and complete the story... Adios...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Morning at 8.30am till 3pm +++ play The Sims 2...and ya, just finished cleaning and cooking... Hmmm... Still boring!! Read my email and receive Yattacos mail... Bla bla bla try this And this is what I get...

Where Do You Find Love?
DearLina, you find love in a Fairy Tale

Glass slippers, traveling minstrels, knights in shining armor. These are some of the classic components of fairy tales. And when it comes to your real-life love life, you'll take 'em in the form of candy and flowers, poems describing your beauty, tiny velvet boxes, and the like. Whether you are single or settled, you're a firm believer that the fairy tale shouldn't end when someone is carried over the threshold (though that's a pretty fun part, too).

You sometimes have to work to get your head out of the clouds, but your optimistic spirit and love-conquers-all attitude helps you deal with the good and bad that life might throw your way. As long as you can spot a poison apple when it knocks on your door, you'll always be able to find your happy ending.

My comment: (If I spot a poison apple, I guess I died first... Hahahhahaah)

What's Your Panty Personality?
DearLina, you're a Hipster

That's right, funny girl, you know how to use your quick wit and wise cracks to work a room, a party, or even that cute guy you've been eyeing. So even if you've never donned some super silly and sexy hipsters, these hot undies match your sweet and fun-loving personality.

It's easy to see why a great girl like you is so popular. Your charm and style help you wade through tough situations and glide through good ones. And you'll do it all with a smile on your face. What could be sweeter?

My comment: ( I wear hipster, OMG!! People will LOL... Why?? My fatty flesh at my stomach will be out!)

What's Your Beauty Secret?
Dearlina, your beauty secret is Living in the Moment

While some people rely of layers of cover up, Botox treatments, or endless reps at the gym to look good, you feel — and look — your best when you're actively involved in what's going on in your life. Sincere and open, you try not to let negative aspects from the past or worries about your future affect what is happening today. And that's what helps you enjoy and appreciate most things that you do.

It's the big events in life that you put most of your thought and energy into, which means you don't spend a lot of time sweating the little ones. Sound like a healthy way to deal with life? It is.

My comment: (WOW! This amazing! This is me....)

Are You Evil?
Norkhairillina, you're an Evil Middle High!

Well, you're kinda evil. They haven't reserved a place for you in Hell yet, but the leasing agents are starting their calls. (Sorry, no air conditioning.) We're guessing you find others' pain funny, your backstabbing knife is probably pretty sharp, and your sexual wiles have likely brought you enjoyment at the expense of your bunkmates a time or two. If more than one of those three things rings true, consider yourself a card-carrying evil person. If you're interested in recanting the evil thing, sensitivity counseling isn't a bad idea. Or else find a more sadistic career, like a bouncer or a metermaid. But hey, to each his own, and if your evilness fits, wear it.

Not Sexually Evil
So, you have a healthy sex drive — good for you! No one likes a prude. In general, you give as well as you get, though everyone can get a little selfish under the covers, so don't beat yourself up about going for the big one on your birthday. And while you're at it, go ahead and admit it — you've probably flashed a big smile to get your way in the bedroom before. But for the most part, you strike us as a pretty generous lover who's doing well at keeping your raw, sexual power in check. Yeah, baby!

Passive Aggressive
Don't feel too bad about hiding your anger. At least, not right now. When your spleen ruptures from internalized stress, then you can feel bad about it. Passive people act that way because they're ultimately sweet and don't want to upset anyone. While that may work for the short term, you end up looking like a real back-stabber when you, ah, stab someone in the back. Try to deal with your problems up front, and you probably won't have to renew your concealed weapons permit this year.

Black Hearted
We're not going to say you're a bad person, but you're toeing the line. A little advice: Try to think about how your victim will feel before you pull your next dirty prank (we don't care how funny it is when you take out a classifed ad and sell someone's car for them). You may think cruelty is funny, but your friends don't — especially the ones who've been burned by your verging-on-evil ways. Listen to your conscience a little more, okay?

Wrestling Mania!!

Yesterday at home all day... Nothing else to do... My dad already cook soup and my grandma (father) cook paru.... Yummy!!. I tot of cooking Sambal Prawn but end up Sambal Belancan... After the cooking, I enter my siblings room and ATTACK!!!! I disturb them.. Woahahah!!! They were so pissed off... Hehehe...
Tired of bullying them, I play The Sims University... From afternoon to night...
Later at night, my parent is not around. I tot of being alone by myself in the room. NO!!! It was a revenge! This time, my 2 sistaz disturb me.. Bloody hell... Damn rough.. Screaming adn running around the house like a MAD poeple. We were wrestling together... Hahahah.... Luckily no one was hurt... This is wat I called it fun...
When everyone was sleeping and I can't sleep... Guess wat I'm doing!! Hahahaha.... I wash the toilet... HEhehe... Lalalala... Finished everything, I enter my room... When out to get something... My younger sister was screaming who wash the toilet. I says IT ME!! Y??... She complaint that she slipped and ya, my mom wake up and look... Of course she NAGGSSS!!! Her favourite daughter injured... So, I don't bothered... I straight away to my room... In my room, I was laughing and saying SISSY GAL!! And react how her face.... Jump to my bed and fall asleep while listening to MP3...
I guess today will be staying at home all day again. Haizz... Hmmm.... Wat am I going to do?? Ah!!! I got an idea... Do something that a very long time I never done... Cleaning up my STORE ROOM!!! People, if you see my store room it was like.... Don't know what to says already... Bloody packed with all boxes. I don't know what the hell inside. The only person knows it was my MOTHER!!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Nothing much I can say...

Nothing much I can says... Out one whole day for jamming and my art class... Not only that, meet my ehem2.... Hehehe....Niwae, along the way home... I message Shanaz and Hassan... Oh ya, This is what I tried at the some are mostly true!!!AMAZING... I guess you must give it a try...

Are You Good to Your Body?
Dearlina, your body's telling you to Relax

Whoa, Nelly. Chill out. Relax, don't do it. No matter how you say it, it sounds like taking a break could do your body good. While we applaud your drive and initiative, taking it easy could be just what the doctor ordered. Getting away from it all, eating healthy, staying hydrated, and treating your body right by getting antioxidants are part of that prescription.A hard-working and motivated person like you knows what you want and isn't afraid to go after it. You're sure to go far in life, just don't forget to stop and smell the roses every once in a while. You'll be glad you did!

The Beauty Pageant Test
Dearlina, you've been crowned Miss Charisma

You've got a winning smile and magnetic personality that people are just drawn to. You're probably known for setting trends and tend to be the one that friends call to find out what the plans are for the night.The judges couldn't help but notice your natural poise and polish — you definitely know how to attract attention whether you're making a speech or just taking the stage in the ultimate outfit. It's wonderful that you exude so much charm and confidence — that's sure to take you far. You're a bright star, Miss Charisma. Keep on shining.

What Kind of Friend Are You?
Dearlina, you're a Sympathetic Sidekick

No one ever accused you of not having a soft side. And that's why friends flock to your sympathetic ear and well-thought-out advice. You are tuned in to the world around you, and you are always looking for ways to bring people together and enjoy each other's company. While some people might have one or two close friends, you like to spread your wings and socialize with any number of people. You are open-hearted and free-spirited, making it easy for you to find common ground with anyone you meet. Keep up the good work — everyone could use a friend like you.

What's Your Cat's Type?
Dearlina, your cat's a Tugger

Who knew a cat could tug at your emotions like that? Your cat's always doing things that get you right there in the heart. But that shouldn't be surprising considering their personality. There's just something about the way they roll over for a belly-rub, or race to the front door to greet you after a long day that's so endearing!
Who knew a cat could tug at your emotions like that? Your cat's always doing things that get you right there in the heart. But that shouldn't be surprising considering their personality. There's just something about the way they roll over for a belly-rub, or race to the front door to greet you after a long day that's so endearing!

Which That '70s Show Character Are You?
Dearlina, you're like Donna!

The girl next door? Not exactly. Like Donna, you've got a feisty and independent spirit. You're no shrinking violet. If somebody's giving you a hard time or stepping out of line, you're not afraid to stand up for yourself and tell it like it is. A competitive character, you can keep up with the boys, no problem.Don't get us wrong. With your no-nonsense approach also comes a sharp sense of humor and a sexy edge. Your brains and brawn only make you that much more alluring to your fans. So keep matching wits and wills with the rest of the gang. You're sure to bring on the laughs and the good times. Groovy!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Pictures of us @ BUGIS SB....

This is the ysterday picture after the watch the Pirate of Caribean Death Men Chest... Oh ya, as I says... Some of the pic is with Hassan... Once he get it download to the CD I will put it up... HEhehe....

Thursday, July 13, 2006

At work... 10 minutes late... Meet Tan Chin at T-block lift lobby. But to bad, she was separated with us... Teamwork with Poonam and Zeenat... Well, while Zeenat and me working together.... We start chit-chatting and get to know each other well... Both of us have the same interest and ya, we share secret and ehem2... Hehehe.... We really have a nice talk. While we were mopping the floor, out of sudden... We said the same the same words "want to catch a movie?"... We stare at each other and laugh... The both of us agree... We tell Poonam to join... She also agreed... Tan Chin unable to join us because she wants to BALIK KAMPUNG!!!

Den, the 3 of us meet Hassan at the cafe because of the project... Hassan show me of him dressing in as Captain Jack... Lol.... I tell Hassan wanna catch a movie with us?? At first rejected... This Zeenat asked me to begged him... So, I begged and please him to go... At last!!! He agreed!! Hehehe.... Zeenat and Poonam was so happy... Zeenat says that I'm very good in phsyco people and knowing people secret without people telling... I give Zeenat a big smile.... When the project done, Mdm Ler give us biscuit, orange and each one of us a highlighter...

So, we catch a movie at BUGIS, Pirate of Caribbean Dead Men Chest... The show start at 3pm and we still got time... We eat at MacDonald... Order and eat... While we were eating... The 3 gal caught a Handsome muscular guy... Fuyooo.... Tak BOLEH angkat ler... We stare and look at him.. Den, thiss Hassan so curious he turn and stare the guy what so good about him... Since I sit beside him, I pinch Hassan for staring at him in one of a kind. Den this Macho guy went to the toilet... Hassan follow at the back.. We all shocked of wat Hassan going to do... Den, we shout asked for his no....Hassan smile... But Hassan was too fast and we disturb him where is that Macho guy's no... He sit and tell us about the Macho guy... We all smile and melted... Hahaha... Zeenat asked me want to go Sentosa after the pay day?? I said for WHAT?? Just to enjoy our day and have some fun... Den, we asked Poonam and Hassan to join... Again this Hassan reject... I beg and please him again... HE says I see first... Haizzz....

2.55pm... we get off from the Macdonald and went to the theatre... A lot of empty seat... So, we sit at our areas and we saw this trailer SPIDERMAN 3... 3 gals was excited and tot of watching it... GUESS WHAT!! It will be out in 2007!!! WTF... We laugh and laugh.. The movie starts.... Bla-bla-bla... N ya, there is this one part I got a shocked and I jumped up... The 3 of them were laughing. Paiseh!! Niwae, the ending part of movie was bloody stupid and sucks... I give it 3 out 5... Not that good...

After that, we take some pics... Too bad due to my low batt, we used Hassan camera... Here are the pic... Niwae, Hassan not in because of my bloody camera low batt... Once, he gave it to me I put it in... We went for window shopping and went home separated... In the train, me and Zeenat continue our sharing of secret and life... We really enjoy our day...
Just reach home.... After my jogging... Meet my friend at our "port"... As usual chit-chatting... And they were asking me why I did message them that question yesterday?? (My fwens, i want to know wat do u tink of me... Tell me the truth. N ya, give me the bad point too... Thanks) Majority of them, tot htat I'm going to kill myself... Haizzz... It just nothing... I just want to know what is in me and what is my weakness.. That all...

Niwae, yesterday after Wati message complaining that she is boring... Fazilah sms me till 12.00am... We tot of continue at school. Too bad, she having a fever after the Hep B injection... In school, was damn boring... Nothing much to do just practice our clinical area... I will be post at NUH, Ward 41 together with Tan Chin... Hahaha.... I'm going to bully this lady...

Haiyah... I really nothing to say... This few days, I find that it is boring.... Hmm... K la, I gtg!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.... This 4 days I been going out and home late till midnight... Mati ah... Gone to where??? Well, Friday, East Coast... Saturday, Meet my bf... Sunday, meet Suhaila... Today... Meet my guys friend for jamming... I guess I think I better stay at home tomorrow... BUT NO!!! Received a call from Karena that I need to go back to school... Damn! For wat?? I don't know... Only me, Tan Chin, Roy, Karena and I dun noe who... Sian la...

Yesterday after meeting Suhaila... I supposed to meet my guy friend... But he end up sleeping... And for me end up window shopping and wandering around like a floating ghost... He was damn worried about me and keep messaging and calling me... He decided to meet me... I tell him off... But by the time he meet me up, I reach home already...

He says Sorry and Sorry non-stop... I tell him, I forgive him but he still sturborn.. He want a punishment... So, I asked him to call me and the punishment was talking to me on the for 4 hours until the soccer and some show ended.... He still not statisfied with the punishment that I gave him... Den, he tells me on the 13th July, he wants me to follow him and treat me a movie "Pirate of Caribbean"... I didn't accept it at first... He beg and beg non-stop and I give up.... I says YES!! Susah la....

K la, I gtg go...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yesterday, in the afternoon.... Me, Tan Chin and Roy meet up at school doing our project... Guess what.... Our project will be hang at the BIO... Yipeee..... We do our project to 3D... Hehehe... Thanks to our brain...

In the late afternoon, we go to East Coast... As we on board the bus, when it was at Marine Parade, the bus driver shout... EAST COAST-EAST COAST.... Me and Tan Chin looked and confused... HAhahaha... We get down and include some of the malay boys.... HAhaha... Paiseh!!! Nevermind...

Niwae, we tot that our BBQ pit was near to the MacDonald... GUESS WAT!!! It was D39...Damn far from the McDonald and it is near to Costa Sand Resort... What the tooottt... Walk all the way.... When we reach... OMG!!! It was not ready yet... I was like.... NVRmind... I sit down and relax myself, talk to my member who is in deep shit... Talk and talk and talk...

........ Feel hungry, I eat and sit alone... Den, Kim Hai, Baby Pooh and Kavitha call me to sit with them... They tell me, "We didn't know that you smoke and drink..." I replied, Must I tell?? Later you all tot I'm a show off". They saids... " NO!! You got this innocent, gentle and quiet face.. Not only that, your group member are all the decent type." I replied.... " It like never judge a book by it cover". They smile...

Bla-bla-bla.... The gals tot of sabor Kavitha.... To where?? To the sea of course... The 1st was not hard enough... NO STRENGHT!! 2nd, Kavitha manage to run away... 3rd... Walah!!! End up at the sea... For me, I watch and at the same time, pulling my trousers... Hahaha....

As time goes by.... Our C.As not arrived yet... Some of my classmate goes home early... Haiyah.... At last about 8.00pm, they arrived... Mdm Ler asked me where is my darling Mark.... They called him and disturb him... Hahahaha.... So, they munch-munch-munch and me, shanaz and kim hai... Smoke-smoke-smoke.... Den come Kavitha also join us... Yanti approach to us, telling us to come over to the other side to sabor Misliana and Hassan.... I and Kavitha didn't join.... Too busy smoking... Hahaha.....

When I sit there together with Wati and Django, Hassan come in wet!!! Fuyoo.... All his item is wet!!! include his handphone... Luckily his digital camera was alive... I help to clean and dry it up.... At first there is nothing except the blinking light... Den, in few minute, there is something but this time no light... Poor Hassan... Shanaz bring her x-bf (Gerry)and introduce to us... Out of sudden, this Hassan come and says who want to join him to buy charcoal... All of us... Me, Wati, Django, Shanaz and Gerry...

We walk in pair... Django and Wati, Shanaz and Gerry... I have no choice... I walk with Hassan... Hahaha... As we walk, we talk and talk... We went back and find out that our C.As has gone home... Haiyah..... Nevermind... I feel really damn farking bored... No game no nothing... Just eat!!! Fuyoo.... Then, Wati and Django decided to play bowling... Hehee.... They treat me... HAhaha... Hassan decided to stay.. BORING!! Niwae, we play bowling at Leisure... Damn HOT!! It seems that the air-con or the fans is not werking... Bloody hell.... Bla-bla-bla... The winner is Django...

Around 11pm+++ we took a cab to Eunos and Django drive us back home... Hehehe... Damn tired...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Yesterday.... Haiyah!! NS exam was damn farking tricky... The question was damn suck... Anyway, I try my best to do it... As long I pass it was good...

After the exam we went to town... Having fun and enjoy our days with silly, crazy and laughter... Wati treat us Coffee Bean Drink... Hehehe... Oya, here are the neoprints we take.... Django first time... Hahaha.... Poor Tan Chin is not in... Sob2....

About 10.00pm, we take train... And Django home alone... Hahaha... Me and Wati... GUESS WAT!!! We were lost and confused our way... The first was we should alight at Raffles Place... But end up at Marina Bay because of chit chatting... So it was okie... We alight at Raffles Place... Get in the train and chit chatting without checking the board... Guess wat again... Aboard the wrong train... This time we go toward Pasir Ris... I shout out loud and Wati was shocked... She tot it was wat... Den I said we take the wrong train! People in the train look at me... We alight at Kallang... This time the CORRECT train... Haizzz... Sian la... Den, I said to Wati as long we don't stop at Boon Lay, I guess we are totally out of mind... By the way... The funny thing in the train was, there is this apek sitting in front of me wearing the same shoe... I tell Wati about it... She laugh and laugh... Small ISLAND!!!

Wat a silly day... I really enjoy... A lot chit chatting with Wati till aboard the wrong train.... Reach home at 11.45pm... Received a gift from Diana...

Actually Diana tot of giving me on my birthday... Becoz she was busy... At last she give it to me... HEhehe... Niwae, today is Hassan Birthday.... Happy 27th Birthday!!Message him at 12 plus just to wish him... Hehe....

K la, I guess I want to sleep.. Wat a tiring day....

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hahaha... Below are my drawing pics... Boring nothing much to do than studies.... HAizzz...

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Aloha people!!! Hahaha.... Today I think I became crazzy... Study too much... Next to much enjoyment with my little kids at my cousin house...

At about 9.15pm, I received a message from this person again... Woahaha.... Asking me how I'm doing with my revision and etc.... There is this one part that person gave me a support... Thanks that person alot... Den, we message and message until 10.00pm... And ya, I tell that person, I gtg to entertain the little ones...

Hmm... I received message from Wati at 12.54am... She was aking me who is that person... She is damn curious... Hahaha... Even she beg me that she won't tell anyoone... No matter what, I still didn't tell her who is that person... WOahahaha.....

Haiyah... Secret is secret... That me... ONce you give me a secret, I won't tell... Hahaha... K la, I want to play game.... Tata!!!